Shipping and Delivery

Currently, we provide only Digital Products and not any Physical Products. Admantica does not require physical shipping or delivery. Instead, our products will be delivered digitally via email or download link, as applicable.

Delivery Process

Once you've completed your purchase of our digital product, we will provide you with instructions for accessing and downloading the product. These instructions will be provided on the checkout or order confirmation page or sent to the email address you provided during checkout, as and when applicable.

Delivery Time

Our delivery time for digital products is typically within 5 minutes of your purchase. However, sometimes, processing your order and delivering your product may take up to 48 hours.

If you have not received your product within 48 hours of purchase, don't hesitate to contact us at for assistance.

Technical Issues

If you experience technical issues with accessing or downloading your digital product, don't hesitate to contact us at for assistance. We'll work with you to resolve the issue and ensure you receive your product immediately.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping and delivery process for digital products, don't hesitate to contact us at We'll be happy to assist you in any way we can.